GME Stock, AMC Roar Back To Life As Key Player In Meme Rally Returns

GameStop (GME) stock and AMC shares surged as Keith Gill, known as Roaring Kitty, returned to social media after three years, igniting the meme stock rally.

GME stock jumped 74.5% after Gill's post, prompting multiple trading pauses on the NYSE due to volatility.

AMC Entertainment (AMC) soared 78.4% on Monday, despite a 53% dive in 2024, nearing its record low.

In 2021, GME stock surged 688% as retail investors organized a buying spree, catching short sellers off-guard.

The short squeeze saga, detailed in the movie "Dumb Money," showcased the unconventional rise of GME stock driven by online coordination.

Gill's return to social media sparked excitement among retail investors, symbolizing a potential resurgence in meme stock enthusiasm.